
大向 一輝: 学術情報サービスのユーザビリティ・デザイン −ユーザーの視点から, NII情報学オープンフォーラム, 2005.


Usability and Experience Design for Academic information Services
Dr. Ikki Ohmukai, Assistant Professor of National Institute of Informatics (NII)

Because of progress in information retrieval technologies, academic information services can provide a huge amount of information at a time. However it will be needed more consideration for principle of usability and experience design. This lecture discusses the issues from the viewpoints of common user, and proposes community-oriented information service.

PowerPoint [1.65MB]

Posted by i2k at 2005.08.30 16:06 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)


安達 真, 大向 一輝: RDFメタデータに基づく情報流通環境の構築と運用, 日本ソフトウェア科学会第22回大会論文集, 2005. (to appear)


Posted by i2k at 2005.07.22 03:38 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (1)

サーベイ:Blog研究の現在 2005

大向 一輝: サーベイ:Blog研究の現在 2005, 第10回人工知能学会セマンティックウェブとオントロジー研究会, 2005.

本発表では,WWW2005で行われたWeblogging Ecosystem Workshopや,第19回人工知能学会全国大会で発表されたBlog関連の論文を概説し,Blog研究の現状と今後の方向性について議論する.

PowerPoint [1.61MB]

Posted by i2k at 2005.07.19 02:09 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (31)

サーベイ:A Semantic Web Primer Chapter 1

大向 一輝: サーベイ:A Semantic Web Primer Chapter 1, セマンティックWeb・メタデータ勉強会(第1回), 2005.

PowerPoint [369KB]

Posted by i2k at 2005.07.14 02:10 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (14)

Community Webプラットフォーム

大向 一輝, 松尾 豊, 松村 真宏, 武田 英明: Community Webプラットフォーム, 第19回人工知能学会全国大会論文集, 2005.

研究の戦略としては,初期は分析研究と提案研究を個別に進める.分析研究では,WebページやWeblog,掲示板等から抽出可能な人間関係ネットワークについての分析から,個人間のコミュニケーションのモデル化を行う.提案研究では,メタデータ,パーソナルネットワーク,コンテンツマネジメントといった要素技術をもとにシステムを構築し,実証実験等を行う.中期以降はそれぞれの成果を統合した「Community Webプラットフォーム」の提案を中心に,アプリケーションの開発とその有効性の検証を行う.

In this paper we propose Web-based communication environment called "Community Web Platform".
Our platform provides an easy way to exchange personal knowledge among people with lightweight metadata such like RSS and FOAF.
We investigate the nature of "personal trustness" on the environment since it is one and only measure for evaluating subjective information and knowledge.
We also discuss how to develop and maintain Community Web applications from our exrerience.

Paper PDF [256KB]
PowerPoint [7.1MB]

Posted by i2k at 2005.06.16 02:23 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (24)

Building Semantic Web Applications as Information/Knowledge Sharing Systems

Hideaki Takeda and Ikki Ohmukai: Building Semantic Web Applications as Information/Knowledge Sharing Systems, Workshop on End User Aspects of the Semantic Web, Colocated with the 2nd European Semantic Web Concference (ESWC2005), 2005.

In this paper, we propose the methodology to design Semantic Web applications that can be acceptable widely by ordinary people. We first analyze "miracle of web" as an information sharing tool that is basically difficult for people to accept. In order to overcome this point, Semantic Web applications should have two types of gratification simultaneously, i.e., instant gratification that can be obtained even without information/knowledge sharing, and delayed gratification that can be obtained through information/knowledge sharing. The gap between two types of gratification can be bridged by the translucence strategy that lures people into information/knowledge sharing by showing delayed gratification within kissing distance. We then show our experience to build information/knowledge sharing tools with the above methodology. One is Community Navigator that helps participants for a conference to share knowledge like topics and related people. The other is Semblog systems that helps weblog people to exhibit and exchange their information more.

Paper PDF [1.7MB]

Posted by i2k at 2005.05.29 02:37 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (17)

Semblog Project

Hideaki Takeda and Ikki Ohmukai: Semblog Project, Workshop on Activities on Semantic Web Technologies in Japan, Colocated with the 14th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2005), 2005.

Semblog Project aims to provide personal knowledge publishing tools with Semantic Web technologies, in particular, metadata technologies. Semblog tools provide an integrated environment for gathering, authoring, publishing, and making human relationship seamlessly to enable people to exchange information and knowledge with easy and casual fashion. We use lightweight metadata format like RSS to activate the information flow and its activities. We define three level of interest of information gathering and publishing i.e. "check", "clip" and "post" and provide suitable ways to distribute information according to the interest level. We currently provide two types of extended content aggregator and information retrieval recommendation applications. We also design new metadata module to define personal ontology that realizes semantic relations among people and Weblog sites.

Paper PDF [1.23MB]
Presentation PDF [1.13MB]

Posted by i2k at 2005.05.10 03:50 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (10)


大向 一輝: パーソナルネットワークに基づく情報流通支援, 総合研究大学院大学博士論文, 2005.

前者については,個人の持つ情報を共有することが問題の解決に大きく役立つ一方で,その情報がプライベートなものであるために過剰な情報公開が許されないような対象問題として,個人のタスクスケジューリング問題を取り上げ,新たな解法として協調的なタスクスケジューリングというアプローチを提案した.そして,協調的タスクスケジューリングの一手法として,ユーザ間で行われた過去のコミュニケーションの履歴情報からパーソナルネットワークを構築し,このネットワークの分析結果から自動的に適切な情報のコントロールを実現する手法について検討した.提案手法は携帯電話を用いたタスクスケジューリング支援システム「Social Scheduler」として実装し,手法の有効性を検証するために被験者による実証実験を行った.

Ikki Ohmukai: A Study on Information Sharing Based on Personal Network, Ph.D. Thesis of the Graduate University for Advanced Studies, 2005.

In this paper we propose information sharing technologies and systems for personal knowledge distribution. Information sharing and distribution are able to modeled as a result of communication and collaboration among the individuals, who are information senders and receivers on current Web. They communicate and collaborate with each other in their own relationship i.e., personal network. We define information sharing and distribution processes called "Community Web" based on individual activities and personal network. To clarify the nature of Community Web, we produce two types of research including design, development and verification of a system.
There are two challenges in Community Web; one is privacy problem that occurs frequently in a situation of information sharing among multiple organizations. The other is scaling problem when we apply Community Web model to the real Web.
We propose collaborative task scheduling method to resolve former challenge. Personal task scheduling is a typical problem such that information sharing helps to find better solution but redundant information disclosure causes an invasion of privacy. Our method constructs personal network from a record of communication and collaboration with her/his neighbors, and performs automatic information filtering based on network analysis. To investigate performance of our method, we developed personal task scheduling system called "Social Scheduler" on cellphone environment and take experiment with subjects.
In the second challenge, we propose a methodology for activating information sharing and distribution among Weblog users, and design "Semblog Platform" which is personal publishing system with the semantic web technologies. Semblog Platform is composed of extended layered subsystem i.e., content metadata framework, metadata management, metadata aggregation and search/recommendation application. We also introduce personal network metadata framework to relate between individuals and her/his contents and to realize person-based information distribution. We evaluated our applications by real-world services and revealed that Semblog Platform achieves a new form of information transportation. Our system is used by a number of communities.
From these results, it is clear that our Community Web model supports personal activities on the Web efficiently.

Paper PDF [5.75MB]

Posted by i2k at 2005.03.31 12:17 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (34)