FY 1992 (April 1992 - March 1993)
- D. Xue, H. Takeda, T. Kiriyama, T. Tomiyama and
H. Yoshikawa: An Intelligent
Integrated Interactive CAD --- A Preliminary Report, in D. Brown, M. B.
Warldron and H. Yoshikawa eds., Intelligent Computer Aided Design,
IFIP Transactions B-4, pp. 163–192, North-Holland, Amsterdam (1992).
- T. Tomiyama, D. Xue, Y. Umeda, H. Takeda,
T. Kiriyama and H. Yoshikawa:
Systematizing Design Knowledge for Intelligent CAD Systems, in G. Olling
and F. Kimura eds., Human Aspects in Computer Integrated Manufacturing
--- Proceedings of the IFIP TC5/WG 5.3, Eight International PROLAMAT
Conference, Man in CAM, Tokyo, Japan, 24–26 June 1992 ---, pp.
237–248, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland), Amsterdam,
London, New York, Tokyo (1992).
- H. Takeda, T. Tomiyama and H. Yoshikawa: A Logical and
Computerable framework for reasoning in design, in D. Taylor and
L. Stauffer eds., Design Theory and Methodology -- DTM '92 --, pp.
167–174The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) (1992).
- H. Takeda, T. Tomiyama and H. Yoshikawa: A Logical
and Comutable Framework for Reasoning in Design, Technical Report NTH 9201,
1736.92, Division of Production Engineering, The Norwegain Institute of
Technology, Trondheim (1992).