FY 2005 (April 2005 - March 2006)
- H. Takeda, Y. Fujimoto, M. Yoshioka,
Y. Shimomura, K. Morimoto and W. Oniki: Tagging for intelligent processing of
design information, in New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: Joint
Proceeding of the 17th and 18th Annual Conferences of the Japanese Society
for Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes for Computer Science,
Springer (2005), (To appear).
- H. Takeda and I. Ohmukai: Semblog Project, in
Activities on Semantic Web Technologies in Japan, A WWW2005 Workshop
- H. Takeda and I. Ohmukai: Building semantic web
applications as information/knowledge sharing systems, in End User
Aspects of the Semantic Web, Colocated with ESWC 2005, Heraklion, Greece
- R. Ichise, H. Takeda and K. Ueyama: Structure
Mining for Intellectual Networks, in Workshop on Risk Management Systems
with Intelligent Data Analysis, Colocated with JSAI2005 (2005).
- H. Takeda, , M. Yoshioka, Y. Shimomura,
Y. Fujimoto, K. Morimoto and W. Oniki: An Architecture for Designers' Support
Systems with Knowledge-embedded Documents, in The Fifteenth International
Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 05), Melbourne (2005).
- H. Muljadi, H. Takeda and K. Ando: Considering
Designer's Intention for the Extraction of Manufacturing Feature, in
Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Production Research
(2005), (CDROM).
- H. Muljadi, H. Takeda, J. Araki, S. Kawamoto,
S. Kobayashi, Y. Mizuta, S. M. Demiya, S. Suzuki, A. Kitamoto, Y. Shirai,
N. Ichiyoshi, T. Ito, T. Abe, T. Gojobori, H. Sugawara, S. Miyazaki and
A. Fujiyama: Semantic MediaWiki: A User-Oriented System for Integrated
Content and Metadata Management System, in Proceedings of the IADIS
International Conference WWW/Internet 2005, Vol. II, pp. 261–264
- H. Muljadi and H. Takeda: Semantic Wiki as an
Integrated Content and Metadata Management System, in Poster &
Demonstration Proceedings of the 4th International Semantic Web
Conference (2005).
- H. Muljadi, H. Takeda and K. Ando: Development
of a Wiki-based Feature Library for a Process Planning System, in
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Enformatika Systems
Sciences and Engineering (2005), (CDROM).
- I. Ohmukai, M. Hamasaki and H. Takeda: A
Proposal of Community-based Folksonomy with RDF Metadata, in Proceedings
of the ISWC 2005 Workshop on End User Semantic Web Interaction (2005),
(available as CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol.172).
- R. Ichise, H. Takeda and K. Ueyama: Community
Mining Tool using Bibliography Data, in Proceedings of the 9th
International Conference on Information Visualization, pp. 953–958
- H. Uematsu, K. Numa, M. Hamasaki and H. T.
Ikki Ohmukai: Communication Support with Location-based Information, in
Poster Proceedings of The 2005 International Conference on Active Media
Technology (AMT2005) (2005).
- K. Numa, T. Hirata, I. Ohmukai, R. Ichise and
H. Takeda: Action-oriented Weblog to Support Academic Conference
Participants, in IADIS International Conference on Web Based Communities
2006 (WBC2006) (2006).
- K. Numa, H. Takeda, H. Uematsu, T. Nishimura,
Y. Matsuo, M. Hamasaki, N. Fujimura, K. Ishida, T. Hope, Y. Nakamura,
S. Fujiyoshi, K. Sakamoto, H. Nagata, O. Nakagawa and E. Shinbori: A Weblog
Grounded to the Real World, in AAAI-2006 Spring Symposium on
Computational Approaches to Analyzing Weblogs (CAAW) (2006).
- T. Nishimura, Y. Matsuo, M. Hamasaki,
N. Fujimura, K. Ishida, T. Hope and Y. Nakamura: Ubiquitous Community Support
System for UbiComp2005, in Third Invited Demo, The Seventh International
Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp2005), Tokyo, Japan (2005).
Hideaki Takeda