FY 2006 (April 2006 - March 2007)
- T. Washio, A. Sakurai, K. Nakajima, H. Takeda, S. Tojo and M. Yokoo eds.: New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: Joint JSAI 2005 Workshop Post-Proceedings, Vol. 4012 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2006).
- R. Ichise, H. Takeda and K. Ueyama: Exploration of Researchers' Social Network for Discovering Communities, in T. Washio, A. Sakurai, K. Nakajima, H. Takeda, S. Tojo and M. Yokoo eds., New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: Joint JSAI 2005 Workshop Post-Proceedings, Vol. 4012 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 458 -- 469, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2006).
- T. Washio, K. Satoh, H. Takeda and A. Inokuchi eds.: New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: JSAI 2006 Conference and Workshops, Vol. 4384 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2007).
- H. Muljadi, H. Takeda and K. Ando: Development of a Semantic Wiki-based Feature Library for the Extraction of Manufacturing Feature and Manufacturing Information, International Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 265-273 (2006).
- T. Kawamura, T. Fukuhara, H. Takeda, Y. Kono and M. Kidode: Ubiquitous Memories: a memory externalization system using physical objects, Journal Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, No. 6, pp. 1-12 (2006), (online first).
- S. V. Suzuki and H. Takeda: Inducing user's perspective change by filling in a blank thought balloon emitted from an embodied agent, The Journal of Information and Systems in Education, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2006).
- K. Numa, H. Takeda, T. Nishimura, Y. Matsuo, M. Hamasaki, N. Fujimura, K. Ishida, T. Hope, Y. Nakamura, S. Fujiyoshi, K. Sakamoto, H. Nagata, O. Nakagawa and E. Shinbori: Context-aware Weblog to Enhance Communication among Participants in a Conference, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2006)Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC) (2006).
- R. Ichise, H. Takeda and T. Muraki: A Discovery Method of Research Communities, in T. Kovacs and M. James eds., Proceedings of AISB'06: Adaptation in Artificial and Biological Systems, Vol. 3, pp. 128-131The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour (2006).
- H. Muljadi, H. Takeda, S. Kawamoto, S. Kobayashi and A. Fujiyama: Towards a Semantic Wiki-Based Japanese Biodictionary, in M. Völkel and S. Schaffert eds., Proceedings of the First Workshop on Semantic Wikis co-located with the 3rd Annual European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC06), Workshop on Semantic Wikis, pp. 202-206 (2006), (CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol-206).
- Y. Matsuo, J. Mori, M. Hamasaki, K. Ishida, T. Nishimura, H. Takeda, K. Hasida and M. Ishizuka: POLYPHONET: An Advanced Social Network Extraction System from the Web, in Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW '06, pp. 397-406, New York, NY, USA (2006), ACM.
- M. Hamasaki, Y. Matsuo, K. Ishida, T. Hope, T. Nishimura and H. Takeda: An Integrated Method for Social Network Extraction, in Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW '06, pp. 845-846, New York, NY, USA (2006), ACM.
- R. Ichise, H. Takeda and T. Muraki: Research Community Mining with Topic Identification, in Tenth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'06), pp. 276-281 (2006).
- Y. Matsuo, M. Hamasaki, Y. Nakamura, T. Nishimura, K. Hasida, H. Takeda, J. Mori, D. Bollegala and M. Ishizuka: Spinning Multiple Social Networks for Semantic Web, in Proceedings of the Twenty-first National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-06), pp. 1381-1387, Boston, USA (2006), American Association for Artificial Intelligence.
- H. Muljadi, H. Takeda, A. Shakya, S. Kawamoto, S. Kobayashi, A. Fujiyama and K. Ando: Semantic Wiki as a Lightweight Knowledge Management System, in R. Mizoguchi, Z. Shi and F. Giunchiglia eds., The Semantic Web -- ASWC 2006, pp. 65-71, Berlin, Heidelberg (2006), Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- M. Hamasaki, Y. Matsuo, K. Ishida, Y. Nakamura, T. Nishimura and H. Takeda: Community Focused Social Network Extraction, in R. Mizoguchi, Z. Shi and F. Giunchiglia eds., The Semantic Web -- ASWC 2006, pp. 155-161, Berlin, Heidelberg (2006), Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- T. Furukawa, T. Matsuzawa, Y. Matsuo, K. Uchiyama and M. Takeda: Behavioral Analysis Based on Relations in Weblogs, in R. Mizoguchi, Z. Shi and F. Giunchiglia eds., The Semantic Web -- ASWC 2006, pp. 162-168, Berlin, Heidelberg (2006), Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- S. Koide and H. Takeda: OWL-Full Reasoning from an Object Oriented Perspective, in R. Mizoguchi, Z. Shi and F. Giunchiglia eds., The Semantic Web -- ASWC 2006, pp. 263-277, Berlin, Heidelberg (2006), Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- J. Araki, S. Kawamoto, A. Fujiyama and H. Takeda: Classification and Knowledge Map in Biology, in G. Li, Y. Liang and M. Ronchetti eds., The Semantic Web -- ASWC 2006 Workshops Proceedings, pp. 142-151, Jilin University Press (2006).
- A. Shakya, I. Ohmukai, H. Takeda and V. Wuwongse: A Publication Aggregation System Using Semantic Blogging, in G. Li, Y. Liang and M. Ronchetti eds., The Semantic Web -- ASWC 2006 Workshops Proceedings, pp. 55-62, Jilin University Press (2006).
- S. Koide, M. Kawamura, T. Morita, T. Yamaguchi and H. Takeda: Semantic Search: An Implementation, Deployments, and Lessons Learned, in G. Li, Y. Liang and M. Ronchetti eds., The Semantic Web -- ASWC 2006 Workshops Proceedings, pp. 266-276, Jilin University Press (2006).
- S. Koide, T. Morita, T. Yamaguchi, H. Muljadi and H. Takeda: RDF/OWL Representation of WordNet 2.1 and Japanese EDR Electronic Dictionary, in Poster & Demonstration Proceedings of the 5th International Semantic Web Conference, pp. (PID-20) (2006).
- Y. Matsuoka, R. Sakamoto, S. Ito, H. Takeda and K. Kogure: Social tagging using marked strings in web pages, in K. Moller, A. de Waard, S. Cayzer, M.-R. Koivunen, M. Sintek and S. Handschuh eds., Proceedings of the 1st Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop (SAAW2006) located at the 5th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2006) (2006), (CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol-209).
- S. Koide and H. Takeda: MetaModeling in OOP, MOF, RDFS, and OWL, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering (SWESE 2006) located at the 5th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2006) (2006).
- S. V. Suzuki and H. Takeda: Perspective sharing by body-orientation matching between a user and an embodied agent, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Human Centered Technology (HCT06), pp. 225-232, Pori, Finland (2006).
- S. V. Suzuki and H. Takeda: Gradual Development of Human-Agent Social Relationship, in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the Cognitive Science (ICCS 2006), pp. 199-2000, Vancouver, Canada (2006).
- S. V. Suzuki and H. Takeda: Inducing change in user's perspective with the arrangement of body orientation of embodied agents, in ROMAN 2006 - The 15th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, pp. 463-468 (2006).
- S. V. Suzuki and H. Takeda: Inducing Perspective Sharing Between a User and an Embodied Agent by a Thought Balloon as an Input Form, in M. Klusch, M. Rovatsos and T. R. Payne eds., Cooperative Information Agents X, Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA 2006), pp. 96-108, Edinburgh, UK (2006), Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- H. Muljadi, K. Kitajima, H. Takeda and K. Ando: Manufacturing Feature Library as a Manufacturing Information Management System for Process Planning, in Proceedings of The 36th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, pp. 4754-4761 (2006).
- H. Muljadi, H. Takeda and K. Ando: Development of a Feature Library for the Extraction of Manufacturing Feature and Manufacturing Information, in Proceedings of 2006 International Symposium on Flexible Automation, pp. 555-561 (2006).
- T. Nishimura, Y. Matsuo, M. Hamasaki, N. Fujimura, K. Ishida, T. Hope, Y. Nakamura, S. Fujiyoshi, K. Sakamoto, T. Takahashi and H. Takeda: A Method of Social Network Extraction via Internet and Networked Sensing, in Proceedings of third International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems (INSS2006) (2006).
- R. Ichise, H. Takeda, S. Kouno and T. Muraki: A mining method of communities keeping tacit knowledge, in Sixth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining - Workshops (ICDMW'06), pp. 709-713 (2006).
- T. Hirata, I. Ohmukai, H. Takeda and S. Kunifuji: Personal Network Aggregation System for Real-time Communication Support, in Proceedings of International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, pp. 231-234, Boulder, Colorado (2007).
- A. Shakya, H. Takeda, V. Wuwongse and I. Ohmukai: SocioBiblog: Enabling Communication on Bibliography with Semantic Blogging, in Proceedings of International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, pp. 297-298, Boulder, Colorado (2007).
- Y. Matsuoka, R. Sakamoto, S. Ito, H. Takeda and K. Kogure: Aikuchi: Marking-based Social Navigation System, in Proceedings of International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, pp. 289-290, Boulder, Colorado (2007).
- H. Takeda: NII's Provision of Academic Resources, The 20th Japanese-German Panel on Information and Documentation (2006).
Hideaki Takeda