FY 2021 (April 2021 - March 2022)
S. Morishita,
M. Takano,
H. Takeda,
F. Mahdaoui,
F. Taka and
Y. Ogawa: Social Acceptability of Personal Data Utilization Business According to Data Controllers and Purposes in
13th ACM Web Science Conference 2021, WebSci '21, pp.
New York, NY, USA (2021),
Association for Computing Machinery.
P. Nguyen,
I. Yamada,
N. Kertkeidkachorn,
R. Ichise and
H. Takeda: SemTab 2021: Tabular Data Annotation with MTab Tool
E. Jiménez-Ruiz,
V. Efthymiou,
J. Chen,
V. Cutrona,
3103 of
CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2021).
N. Iino and
H. Takeda: Complexity Analysis of Instrumental Performance based on Ontology Structure for Music Selection in
Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR), pp.
289 -- 298 (2021).
S. Kondoh,
H. Komoto,
H. Takeda and
Y. Umeda:
Acquisition of expert’s knowledge for high-mix and low-volume production scheduling problem in
The 10th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century
Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) (2021).
P. Nguyen,
I. Yamada and
H. Takeda: MTabES: Entity Search with Keyword Search, Fuzzy Search, and Entity Popularities in
The 35th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, No.
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (2021).
Y. Minamiyama,
H. Takeda,
M. Hayashi,
M. Asaoka,
K. Ojiro and
K. Yamaji:
Structuring data curation activities by using ontology-based data modeling in
16th International Digital Curation Conference (2021), (Poster).
N. Iino and
H. Takeda:
Difficulty Analysis of Etude Pieces Considering the Complexity of the Action for Guitar Learners in
The 22th International Society for Music Information Retrieval conference (ISMIR) (2021), (Late-Breaking Demo).
P. Nguyen,
I. Yamada,
N. Kertkeidkachorn,
R. Ichise and
H. Takeda: Demonstration of MTab: Tabular Data Annotation with Knowledge Graphs
O. Seneviratne,
C. Pesquita,
J. Sequeda and
L. Etcheverry eds.,
International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) 2021: Posters, Demos, an (2021).
Hideaki Takeda