FY 2016 (April 2016 - March 2017)
M. Katsurai,
I. Ohmukai and
H. Takeda: Topic Representation of Researchers' Interests in a Large-Scale Academic Database and Its Application to Author Disambiguation,
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.
E99-D, No.
4, pp.
1010-1018 (2016).
Y. Asano,
S. Koide,
M. Iwayama,
F. Kato,
I. Kobayashi,
T. Mima,
I. Ohmukai and
Constructing a Site for Publishing Open Data of the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry,
New Generation Computing, Vol.
34, No.
4, pp.
341-366 (2016).
R. Chawuthai,
H. Takeda,
V. Wuwongse and
U. Jinbo: Presenting and preserving the change in taxonomic knowledge for linked data,
Semantic Web, Vol.
7, No.
6, pp.
589-616 (2016).
H. Takeda,
S. Joo,
D. Horyu and
A. Takezaki: Agriculture activity ontology as a basis of core vocabulary for farm management systems in
PhenoHarmonIS workshop: Semantics for Harmonization and Integration of Phenotypic and Agronomic Data,
Montpellier, France (2016).
A. Takezaki,
D. Horyu,
H. Takeda and
S. Joo:
Proposal of Standard Vocabulary based on Agriculture Activity Ontology to facilitate compatibility among Agriculture IT Systems in
PhenoHarmonIS workshop: Semantics for Harmonization and Integration of Phenotypic and Agronomic Data,
Montpellier (2016).
K. Yamaji,
A. Aryani,
I. Ohmukai and
H. Takeda:
A Function of the Japanese Research Data Discovery Service using RD-Switchboard in
11th International Conference on Open Repositories (OR2016) (2016).
I. Yamada,
H. Shindo,
H. Takeda and
Y. Takefuji: Joint Learning of the Embedding of Words and Entities for Named Entity Disambiguation in
Proceedings of The 20th SIGNLL Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning, pp.
Berlin, Germany (2016),
Association for Computational Linguistics.
S. Joo,
S. Koide,
H. Takeda,
D. Horyu,
A. Takezaki and
T. Yoshida: Designing of Ontology for Domain Vocabulary on Agriculture Activity Ontology (AAO) and a Lesson Learned
Y.-F. Li,
W. Hu,
J. S. Dong,
G. Antoniou,
Springer International Publishing (2016).
S. Koide and
H. Takeda: Inquiry into RDF and OWL Semantics
Y.-F. Li,
W. Hu,
J. S. Dong,
G. Antoniou,
Z. , pp.
Cham (2016),
Springer International Publishing.
S. Joo,
S. Koide,
H. Takeda,
D. Horyu,
A. Takezaki and
T. Yoshida: Agriculture Activity Ontology : An Ontology for Core Vocabulary of Agriculture Activity
T. Kawamura and
H. Paulheim eds.,
Proceedings of the ISWC 2016 Posters & Demonstrations Track co-located with 15th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2016), Vol.
1690 of
CEUR Workshp Proceedings (2016).
T.-N. Nguyen,
H. Takeda,
K. Nguyen,
R. Ichise and
T.-D. Cao: Type Prediction for Entities in DBpedia by Aggregating Multilingual Resources
T. Kawamura and
H. Paulheim eds.,
Proceedings of the ISWC 2016 Posters & Demonstrations Track co-located with 15th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2016), Vol.
1690 of
CEUR Workshp Proceedings (2016).
J. Putzke,
L. Dopstadt,
D. Schoder and
H. Takeda:
Three-Step Seeding of Viral Marketing Campaigns: An Action Research Study in
International Confeence on Internet Studies (NETs2016) (2016).
J. Putzke and
H. Takeda: Eine Analyse der Requests for Adminship (RfAs) in Wikipedia
J. M. Leimeister and
W. Brenner eds.,
Proceedings der 13. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2017), pp.
St. Gallen, Germany (2017), (In German).
H. Takeda:
Towards Knowledge-Enabled Society in
35th International Conference of Conceptual Modeling, ER 2016,
Gifu, Japan (2016), (Keynote).
Hideaki Takeda