FY 2015 (April 2015 - March 2016)
K. Suksomboon,
M. Fukushima,
M. Hayashi,
R. Chawuthai and
H. Takeda: LawNFO: A decision framework for optimal location-aware network function outsourcing in
Proceedings of 2015 the 1st IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization, (NetSoft), pp.
London, United Kingdom (2015),
I. Yamada,
H. Takeda and
Y. Takefuji: An End-to-End Entity Linking Approach for Tweets
A.-S. D. Matthew Rowe, Milan Stankovic ed.,
#Microposts2015 Making Sense of Microposts: Big things come in small packages, Proceedings of the the 5th Workshop on Making Sense of Microposts co-located with the 24th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2015), Vol.
1395 of
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp.
Florence, Itally (2015), (the 1st place of Named Entity rEcognition and Linking (NEEL) Challenge).
I. Yamada,
H. Takeda and
Y. Takefuji: Enhancing Named Entity Recognition in Twitter Messages Using Entity Linking
W. Xu,
B. Han and
A. Ritter eds.,
Proceedings of the ACL 2015 Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text, pp.
Beijing, China (2015),
Association for Computational Linguistics, (the 1st place of Shared Task #1).
N. Pervin,
T. Q. Phan,
A. Datta,
H. Takeda and
F. Toriumi: Hashtag Popularity on Twitter: Analyzing Co-occurrence of Multiple Hashtags
G. Meiselwitz ed.,
Social Computing and Social Media, Proceedings of 7th International Conference, SCSM 2015, Held as Part of HCI International 2015, Vol.
9182 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.
Los Angeles, CA, USA (2015).
N. Matsumura and
H. Takeda: Shikake Data Market for Collaborative Shikake Creation in
2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshop (ICDMW), pp.
722 -- 727,
Atlantic City, NJ (2015),
R. Chawuthai and
H. Takeda: RDF Graph Visualization by Interpreting Linked Data as Knowledge
G. Qi,
K. Kozaki,
Z. J. Pan and
S. Yu eds.,
Semantic Technology: 5th Joint International Conference, JIST 2015, Revised Selected Papers 23-39,
Yichang, China (2016),
Springer International Publishing.
R. Chawuthai and
H. Takeda: rSim: Simplifying an RDF Graph at the Visualization Tier for Non-Expert Users
M. D. Serena Villata, Jeff Z. Pan ed.,
Proceedings of the ISWC 2015 Posters & Demonstrations Track, co-located with the 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC-2015) (2015).
J. Putzke and
H. Takeda: Identifying Key Opinion Leaders in Evolving Co-authorship Networks--A Descriptive Study of a Proxy Variable for Betweenness Centrality
H. Cherifi,
B. Gonçalves,
R. Menezes and
R. Sinatra eds.,
Dijon, France (2016),
Springer International Publishing.
H. Takeda: Research Data-DOI Experiment in Japanese DOI Registration Agency (Japan Link Center, JaLC) in
CODATA-ICSTI Data Citation Workshop,
Tokyo (2015),
CODATA-ICSTI Data Citation Task Group.
H. Takeda: The Experimental Project of DOI Registration for Research Data at Japan Link Center (JaLC) in
IDF Outreach Meeting,
Tokyo (2015),
International DOI Foundation.
H. Takeda: Open Science and Identifiers in
JATS-CON Asia in Tokyo,
JST Tokyo headquarter, Tokyo, Japan (2015), Keynote Talk.
H. Takeda: Research Data Sharing Framework to Enhance Open Science in
Research Data Sharing Symposium,
Hitotsubashi-Hall, Tokyo, Japan (2016),
Japan Science and Technology Agency.
H. Takeda: Adoption of the RD-switchboard (DDRI WG) in
Plenary Session, RDA Seventh Plenary Meeting,
Hitotsubashi Hall, Tokyo, Japan (2016),
Research Data Alliance.
Hideaki Takeda