
FY 2013 (April 2013 - March 2014)

  • H. Takeda: Identifiers for academic activities: people, publication and data in Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, Makuhari Messe (2013), (Panel).
  • H. Takeda: Creating Web of Data for Science in Proceedings of the International Forum on Polar Data Activities in Global Data Systems, pp. 71-73, Tokyo, Japan (2013), WDS International Programme Office, (Invited Talk).
  • H. Takeda: Introduction of Linked Data for Science in 2013 International Conference on Open Data in Biodiversity and Ecological Research, Taipei, Taiwan (2013), (Invited Talk).
  • H. Takeda: An Introduction to LOD for Biodiversity in PNC Annual Conference 2013 (2013), (Invited Talk).
  • T. Shimizu, M. Shoji, F. Matsumura, T. Takahashi, I. Kobayashi, F. Kato, H. Ueda, Bottom up Activities for linked open data, open government in Japan in Open Data on the Web Workshop, London, United Kingdom (2013), the World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C) / the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF) / the Open Data Institute.

Hideaki Takeda
  • H. Takeda, Y. Qu, R. Mizoguchi and Y. Kitamura eds.: Semantic Technology - Second Joint International Conference, JIST 2012, Nara, Japan, December 2-4, 2012. Proceedings, Vol. 7774 of LNCS, Springer (2013). (Paper)