Hideaki Takeda's Publication
- R. Ichise, H. Takeda and S. Honiden: Automated
Alignment of Multiple Internet Directories, in Poster Proceedings, The
Tenth International World Wide Web Conference, pp. 194–195, HonKong
Directory services are tools for making useful information more
accessible, but individual internet directories in directory services are of
limited use in finding user-relevant web pages. In this paper, we propose a
method for aligning URL information from one internet directory to another.
This method can discover an appropriate position in a directory for a web
page which is not shown in that directory but shown in another directory. By
using this method, one can extend a favorite directory with information on
other directory services. Discovery of alignment is based on categorization
similarity in the concept hierarchies of the two internet directories. We
adopted the K statistic method to measure the similarity syntactically. We
conducted an experiment using real- world internet directories. The results
of this experiment show that the proposed method is promising, i.e., it can
classify unknown web pages into appropriate categories within an internet
Hideaki Takeda (National Institute of Informatics)