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Online Proceedings are available.
Workshop Schedule is HERE.
- December 15th 2002 Deadline for technical and short paper submission
- January 15th 2003 Notification of acceptance
- February 9th 2003 Deadline for final camera ready copies
- March 12th 2003 Semantic Web Foundations and Application Technology Workshop
The Semantic Web is the key technology that will provide a foundation of future communication of information on the World Wide Web. The Semantic Web aims to develop standards, software and policies that will allow computers to share and understand data on the Web and thereby facilitate human access to useful information. As an indication of the significance of this new technology, funding agencies in the USA and EU have provided significant support to major projects as well as promotion of international cooperative efforts.
The SWFAT workshop in Japan will focus on two major issues related to Semantic Web. The first is the need to coordinate academic activities such as ontology theory with future business applications. The second is the crucial need to raise awareness of Semantic Web technology and key research issues in the Asia and Pacific region. As such we hope to bring together leading players in academia and industry from the US, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region to share experience and begin to develop a common vision for the future.
The Workshop will be held on March 12th, immediately after the Semantic web and Data mining Symposium hosted by the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (ISIR), Osaka University on March 10th to 11th, providing three days of high-quality presentations, invited talks and discussions.
Carole Goble (University of Manchester, UK)
The Semantic Grid: The Grid meets the Semantic Web
The "Grid problem" is defined as flexible, secure, coordinated resource sharing among dynamic collections of individuals, institutions, and resources - virtual organizations. Compare this with a description of the Semantic Web. The Grid is beginning to exploit technologies developed for Web Services and the Semantic Web. Perhaps the Grid and its scientific users can provide the application pull the Semantic Web needs. Perhaps the Grid can benefit from its Semantic Web technologies to realise its potential. Many argue that there a gap between current grid endeavours and the vision of a grid future in which there is a high degree of easy-to-use and seamless automation and in which there are flexible collaborations and computations on a global scale. Is the Semantic Web necessary to bridge this practice-aspiration divide? Or is this the combination of two still unproven distributing computing technologies a bridge too far?
Stefan Decker (USC Information Sciences Institute, USA)
Handling Heterogeneous Semantic Datamodels on the Web
The Semantic Web is often referred to as the next generation of the Web, in which machine-processable data dominates over human-readable content. The first part of the talk motivates the Semantic Web. The main focus of the talk is a specific problem in the Semantic Web context: the interoperation of heterogeneous data, based on different data models and modeling languages like RDF Schema, Topic Maps, UML, etc. To tackle the interoperation problem, we developed TRIPLE, an RDF query, inference, and transformation language and system. TRIPLE allows the semantics of languages to be defined with Horn rules. More information is available at http://triple.semanticweb.org/ and
Stefan Decker earned a diploma in Computer Scientist at the University of Kaiserslautern, and a PhD at the University of Karlsruhe, where he worked on Ontobroker, cited by DARPA as one of the inspirations for the DARPA DAML program. In 1999 he switched to Stanford University, where he lead a project in the DARPA DAML program for three years. He contributed heavily to the emergence of the "Semantic Web" as a field of active research. Since July 2002 he works as a Computer Scientist at the Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California. More information is available at http://www.isi.edu/~stefan/.
James Hendler (University of Maryland, USA)
Professor James Hendler chairs the Web Ontology Working Group and is a member of the Semantic Web Coordination Group at the World Wide Web Consortium. His research group at the University of Maryland created the SHOE markup language, the first ontology language for the Web, and continues to develop state of the art tools for the Semantic Web.
Frank van Harmelen (Free University of Amstrerdam, The Netherlands)
Frank van Harmelen (1960) is a professor in Knowledge Representation & Reasoning in the AI department (Faculty of Science) at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His current research interests include Approximate Reasoning, Semantic Web and Medical Protocols. He has published three books (on meta-level inference, on knowledge-based systems, and on the Semantic Web) and over 100 research papers.
Rudi Studer (University of Karlsruhe, Germany)
Rudi Studer is Full Professor in Applied Informatics at the University of Karlsruhe, Institute AIFB (http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/WBS/). His research interests include knowledge management, Semantic Web technologies and applications, ontology engineering, knowledge discovery and eLearning.
Rudi Studer is also director of the Knowledge Management Group at the FZI Research Center for Information Technologies at the University of Karlsruhe (http://www.fzi.de/wim/), a member of the L3S Learning Lab in Hannover (http://www.learninglab.de/) as well as co-founder of the spin-off company ontoprise GmbH (http://www.ontoprise.de/) that develops semantic technologies.
Bijan Parsia (University of Maryland, USA)
Hideaki Takeda (NII, Japan)
- Database Technologies for the Semantic Web
- Data Semantics
- Data/Information/Knowledge integration, mediation and storage
- Digital libraries, publishing, and e-Books
- Large-scale knowledge management
- e-science and the Grid
- Inference and reasoning for semantic web
- Knowledge portals
- Knowledge representation and reasoning
- Languages, Tools and Methodologies for Semantic Annotations
- Metadata (including metadata generation and authoring)
- Mobile, situated and diffuse computing
- Multimedia data
- Natural language
- Ontologies
- Ontology learning
- Searching and querying
- Semantic Brokering
- Semantic Interoperability
- Semantic Web for e-Business
- Semantic Web for e-Learning
- Semantic Web mining
- Semantic Web Services (service description, discovery, invocation, composition)
- Socio-cultural and collaborative aspects
- Tools and Methodologies for Multi-Agent Software Systems
- Semantic Web Trust, Privacy, Security and Intellectual Property Rights
- User interfaces
- Visualisation and modelling
The workshop will be held mainly at Nara-Ken New Public Hall, Nara, Japan. Nara is the old capital of Japan and has plenty of historical shrines and temples containing national treasures. Nara-Ken New Public Hall (http://www.pref.nara.jp/koukaido-e/) is located in the center of Nara National Park, which is famous for its beauty and 1,200 tame deer. Nara is 1-hour distance by train both from Osaka and Kyoto, the former is the center of West Japan's economy and the latter is also famous for many historical shrines and temples. You can reach Nara from Tokyo by Shinkansen and train ca. 3 hours or use Osaka Kansai International Airport from abroad.
Sightseeing and Hotel Accommodation
- Digital Contents Research Group A02 of Japanese MEXT Grant-in-Aid of Scientific Research on Priority Area "Informatics Studies for the Foundation of IT Evolution"
- Jun Adachi, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
- Jun-ichi Akahani, NTT, Japan
- Dieter Fensel, Universität Innsbruck, Austria
- Carole Goble, University of Manchester, UK
- Tatsuya Hagino, W3C/Keio University, Japan
- Frank van Harmelen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Koiti Hasida, AIST, Japan
- Jim Hendler, University of Maryland, USA
- Mitsuru Ikeda, Osaka University, Japan
- Toru Ishida, Kyoto University, Japan
- Noriaki Izumi, AIST, Japan
- Yasuhiko Kitamura, Osaka City University, Japan
- Koichi Takeuchi, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
- Ryusuke Masuoka, Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Inc., USA
- Norihiro Ogata, Osaka University, Japan
- Rudi Studer, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
- Hiroshi Tsuda, Fujitsu Laboratory, Japan
- Takahira Yamaguchi, Shizuoka University, Japan
- Ning Zhong, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan